Many women consider the menopausal period to be stressful for themselves, and this is understandable. The hormonal restructuring that occurs during this period changes a woman’s reactions and behavior in various life situations.

Sex hormones have a direct influence on the emotional sphere. For example, estrogen helps to balance cortisol, the stress hormone. When estrogen levels are low (during menopause), cortisol levels increase. This can disrupt sleep and alter the response to stress. Tearfulness, mood swings, depression, memory and attention impairment – these symptoms often accompany menopause and are directly linked to hormonal changes.

All of this is happening against the backdrop of changes in social and family life. Parents are getting older and require special attention, grown-up children need wise advice and a new level of support, while work sets ambitious goals and imposes higher demands.

During this period, it is more important than ever for a woman to stay healthy and balanced, both physically and emotionally.

Fortunately, modern women have all the tools to maintain emotional balance and mental health during menopause.

The first and most important tool is, of course, maintaining hormone levels. It is very important to consult a doctor as early as possible when entering menopause for individual selection of modern menopausal hormone therapy. And if hormone therapy helps to increase estrogen levels, tranquilizers will help to reduce elevated cortisol hormone levels.

To support emotional well-being, the use of natural calming remedies can be helpful. Anantavati is a herbal complex that promotes the normalization of the nervous system. Thanks to its exclusively plant-based components, Anantavati helps to reduce the level of the stress hormone cortisol, which is particularly important for women during menopause.

Anantavati contributes to reducing anxiety levels, decreases irritability, and promotes improved sleep quality. Anantavati is nature’s assistance for every woman during the menopausal period.

After hormone adjustment and stabilization of emotional health, it is necessary to pay the closest attention to lifestyle and nutrition. Regular exercise, relaxing practices such as yoga and Pilates, and outdoor walks will help to reduce the intensity of stress reactions and support overall health level.

It is very important to find time for yourself. There is a technique: write a list of “50 joys”. Remember everything that brings you joy and do it! Bring joy, love yourself, show care for yourself, just as you do for children, parents, husband, and friends.

Start setting aside time for yourself regularly, and soon you will notice how your state, mood, and health change!


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