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Children’s impulsivity

Impulsiveness is a distinctive behavioral trait of a child, characterized by a tendency to act on the first impulse. Such children do not waste time considering their actions, they don’t even try to restrain their emotions or control their behavior, taking into account the interests of others. In preschool age, impulsiveness is associated with an… Continue reading Children’s impulsivity

What should parents do in case of emotional and behavioral disorders in children?

Most parents are attentive to their children’s health: if a strange rash appears – they go to the doctor, if a high temperature persists – they go to the doctor, if there is a bruise resembling a fracture – they go to the doctor. This is how we act when we see that something is… Continue reading What should parents do in case of emotional and behavioral disorders in children?

Bullying at school and on social media

Bullying is aggressive and extremely unpleasant behavior of one child or a group of children towards another child, accompanied by constant physical and psychological impact. Bullies can find numerous reasons to harass a child: appearance that doesn’t fit societal norms, behavior and thoughts that don’t align with the majority, and so on. Academic achievements, financial… Continue reading Bullying at school and on social media

The new generation is addicted to gadgets

Technology plays a vital role in our daily lives. Moderate use of gadgets can have a positive effect on a child’s development: it is both entertainment for children and access to information. However, their excessive use equates to addiction. The effects vary between mental, physical and emotional problems. Attention deficits, anxiety, learning problems, sleep disorders,… Continue reading The new generation is addicted to gadgets


What is stress? Stress? Stress is not something unusual. It is present in the life of each of us and is combined with our everyday emotions. We experience stress when we go shopping, when our grandchildren come over, and even when we watch the news… In 1946, Hans Selye first introduced the term “stress,” and… Continue reading STRESS AND BLOOD PRESSURE: ALL TROUBLES FROM NERVES!

What can the violation of the sleep regimen lead to?

What can the violation of the sleep regimen lead to? Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorders. It manifests not only in difficulty falling asleep but also in other symptoms: frequent awakenings, shallow sleep, excessive daytime sleepiness, and the inability to fall asleep at night. One or two nights without sleep will not… Continue reading What can the violation of the sleep regimen lead to?


Many women consider the menopausal period to be stressful for themselves, and this is understandable. The hormonal restructuring that occurs during this period changes a woman’s reactions and behavior in various life situations. Sex hormones have a direct influence on the emotional sphere. For example, estrogen helps to balance cortisol, the stress hormone. When estrogen… Continue reading MENOPAUSE AND STRESS