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Children’s impulsivity

Impulsiveness is a distinctive behavioral trait of a child, characterized by a tendency to act on the first impulse. Such children do not waste time considering their actions, they don’t even try to restrain their emotions or control their behavior, taking into account the interests of others.

In preschool age, impulsiveness is associated with an immature nervous system. However, its manifestation can vary greatly. Some children are highly impulsive in new conditions or when there are numerous stimuli, while others have “outbursts” during boring and monotonous tasks when stimuli are lacking.

The signs of impulsiveness include: inability to wait, impatience, tantrums, attention scatteredness, a tendency to get distracted, irresponsibility, a desire for new experiences, and intolerance towards repetitive actions.
When communicating with an impulsive toddler, it is important to encourage them when they try to resist temptation, when they make timid attempts to wait or endure, when they express a desire to stop and prevent an outburst. Certain attempts at self-regulation arise periodically. It is important to immediately notice them and reinforce them.

At such moments, it is important to provide comprehensive assistance: add Anantavati® Kids herbal syrup to the child’s diet, which enhances self-control, concentration, regulates emotional state, and normalizes the functioning of the toddler’s nervous system. Anantavati® Kids is tasty and convenient to use: once daily in the morning, in the age-appropriate dosage.
Anantavati® Kids – comprehensive support for a child!

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